Journaling Lifestyle

10 Journal Prompts Inspired By Taylor Swift’s ‘Lover’

Sometimes I think I make it too obvious that I’m a huge Taylor Swift fan…

Anyway, as I’ve mentioned before, last year I got really into journaling and I often use prompts to help me focus my thoughts. The other day I was just listening to some Taylor Swift, as you do, and it occured to me that some of her lyrics are perfect for journaling prompts.

I’ve done previous posts before focusing on my favourite quotes from ‘Evermore’ and ‘Folklore’, so I thought I’d highlight ‘Lover’ for this one. The prompts don’t necessarily have anything to do with the song, but everything to do with the lyrics I pulled out. Hope you enjoy these journal prompts inspired by Taylor Swift!

1. I Forgot That You Existed

“It was so nice, so peaceful and quiet”
Describe a place where you always feel at peace. This can be real, or fictional.

2. Lover

“Can I go where you go?”
Write about someone who makes you so happy you couldn’t imagine your life without them.

3. Paper Rings

“I like shiny things, but I’d marry you with paper rings”
What is something you own that doesn’t have monetary value, but it has a lot of sentimental value?

4. Cornelia Street

“I hope I never lose you, hope it never ends”
Talk about something in your life that is important to you. It can be a person, object, place, event or essentially anything you can think of that holds a special place in your heart.

5. Death By A Thousand Cuts

“Saying goodbye is death by a thousand cuts” 
A loss in your life that was painful.

6. Soon You’ll Get Better

“You make the best of a bad deal, I just pretend it isn’t real”
Confront a difficult situation that you have ignored up until now, and make peace with it.

7. You Need To Calm Down

“And I ain’t trying mess with your self-expression” 
What is your favourite way to express yourself?

8. Me!

“I promise that you’ll never find another like me”
Talk about something that is unique about you.

9. It’s Nice To Have A Friend

“Lost my gloves, you give me one!”
Think about a time when a friend selflessly helped you out.

10. Daylight

“You’ve gotta step into the daylight and let it go”
Write down any negative thoughts clouding your mind right now and transfer them to paper.

What’s your favourite song from Lover? Let me know in the comments!

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